Republic of Ambazonia Official Website

Open Letter to Honest Patriots


Dear Dr. Atang,

After careful consideration, I have decided to respond to your request for an input from the Government of The Republic of Ambazonia as an elucidation of the video WE ARE NOT CAMEROONIANS made by the Fon Gorji-Dinka as a lawyer of unquestionable international repute.

[1] The constitution of the Republic of Cameroun (aka French Cameroun) offered us Cameroonian citizenship and Cameroonian nationality if and only if our country, Ambazonia then referred to by the description, repeat description the United Nations trust territory of the Southern Cameroons under the United Kingdom administration accepted to form a union with the Republic of Cameroun.

[2] The creation of the union rendered both Republic of Cameroun and Ambazonia extinct; and conversely the resurrection of the Republic of Cameroun on 2nd January 1984 constitutes dissolution of the said Union. And the two countries became again as mutually sovereign and distinct from each other as they were before the formation of the Union on 1st October 1961. (This accords with international law on the creation and extinction of States)

[3] We lost the Cameroonian nationality which we had acquired under the Union Constitution; and automatically reverted to our original Ambazonian nationality.

[4] Through the judicial process of the Cameroun High Court HCB/28/92 the Republic of Cameroun and their President (who were 1st and 2nd defendants in the case formally recognizes our country as a sovereign nation with the name Ambazonia and the Southern Cameroons constitution as the constitution of Ambazonia.

[5] One of the declarations in the judgment [#26(5)] reads: Public Servants (civil or military) of Ambazonian origin are discharged of the duty of allegiance and loyalty to the Republic of Cameroun, and their president Paul Biya, so they are henceforth answerable only to the Republic of Ambazonia, and its Head of State Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka.

[6] You would notice that the United Nations upholds all this hence the former United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan flew to Cameroun to warn Paul Biya of the threat to international peace and security  which is posed by the occupation of Ambazonia by Cameroun.

[7] Paul Biya signed the Annan Bakassi Peace Accord which reads “I President Biya of the Republic of Cameroun, in a bid to provide lasting peace to the Bakassi conflict hereby commit myself and government to respect the territorial boundaries of my country as obtained at independence”But lawless Paul Biya has so far failed to withdraw from Ambazonia.

[8] During the 50th anniversary of the celebration of the independence of Cameroun the United Nations decided to stage a drama to remind Member State of the United Nations who were represented there by their Heads of States and Heads of Diplomatic Missions that in international law the country called Republic of Cameroun is the former French Cameroun. The President of the 64th session of the United Nations General Assembly presented two giant framed maps of the former French Cameroun to Paul Biya.

[9] So you now know why by law we are not Camerounians. Any honest seeker of truth like yourself would not wish to be called a Cameroonian because by domestic or international law an Ambazonian is not a Cameroonian.

[10] You would therefore agree with me that any Ambazonian who calls himself a Cameroonian is either a lawless person like his patron Paul Biya or is suffering from a Slave-mentality and a deep seated sense of Self-Contempt.

Happy Fathers Day and God be with you.

Tanyi Ojongmboh,
Communications Minister

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